Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Delilah, World's Craziest Cat

Almost three years ago, on Mother's Day, I adopted a kitten.  I figured I was single, and the only other living things in my house were plants.  It was either get a cat or convert the front room into an actual jungle. Basically, I choose cat lady over plant lady.  My aunt's cat had eight week old kittens, and she encouraged me to pick one.  Technically, my sister picked out my kitten, therefore I can blame this all on her.  I named my little bunch of fluff Delilah, because it's a super cool name and not because the Plain White T's think so, and took her home.  She was gray and black tabby, and reminded me of Sonic, one of the coolest cats I'd had when I lived at Mom and Dad's. I was in love.  And for a while, we lived together happily.  Until she started climbing door facings.  This was a sign, but I ignored it.

Before long, Lilah began to reveal that she is ever the slightest bit, well...psychotic.  Her likes include closing doors, pushing things off of tables, drinking from the bathtub, stealing hair bands, and carrying Beanine Babies around the house. Her dislikes include people (especially children), anything that smells like the outdoors, being petted, my cell phone, and the vacuum cleaner.  If she had front claws and wasn't a little under height for her weight, she would still climb door facings, I have no doubt.  She just isn't right.  There's no better way to put it.  We coexist, but I think if she could figure out how to open the food bin and turn on the water, she'd totally off me while I was napping. 

This is the face of bad.  Doesn't she look like she's saying "Just take the stupid picture and get outta of my face"?  Lilah may be nuts, but at least she isn't this guy....

This is my parents' cat, Shredder.  I'm fairly sure he's on direct loan from Satan.  It's not printable what I think he's saying in this picture.  So, I guess it could always be worse...


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