Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What I Did For Christmas Part 1

My family is not really one of those families that has a million little traditions.  But rest assured that what few traditions we have, my sister will point at and remind us all that we must do it because it's tradition and that's how tradition works.  So here's what I did for Christmas...

On Christmas Eve, we go to my mom's side of the family.  This means that we go to Grandma MJ's (the farm house that has been in our family for 100+ years) to have dinner and open presents.  And drink homemade wine.  (One of the other things our family has been doing for a long time)  This is the BIG side of my family.  We were missing some members and still came in close to 30.  And that's just my aunts & uncles plus first cousins and kids.  It was a good time.  Most of the cousins are now in their twenties or thirties, so there are always lots of people to talk to.  This year, Aunt Beth brought poppers and paper crowns.  No, we don't really know why, but look how awesomely festive we were...

Thumbs up to the Christmas crowns!

My sis, sister-in-law, and practically cousin-in-law (I hope!  Just love her!)

My brother and sis-in-law.  Save the date cards, anyone?

When Christmas at Grandma's is over, I go back to my parents' to stay the night.  This is one of the insisted upon traditions.  i have to admit Christmas wouldn't be the same if I did get up to go see what Santa brought ("Those who don't believe don't get presents," my mother says.) while eating some kinds of confection (this year it was cinnamon rolls from Pietie), and then going to Mass.  Tune in later for "What I Did For Christmas" Part 2.


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