Saturday, July 10, 2010

Painting, Purchasing, and Photography

This is my new paint color.  It's Kestral Gray.  I liked the sound of that name.  It reminded me of an English manor or something like that.  And I don't think it will clash with the paneled wall in my bedroom (or my bedding!)  I didn't get a whole lot of it done yesterday.  Mostly trim, but here's what it looks like on the walls.
It's actually a little bit darker than it looks here, but I really like it.  I'm hoping to get the rest of it up on Sunday or Monday.  But before I could paint, I had to sand.  And anyone who's ever dealt with drywall dust knows that it goes everywhere, no matter what you do.  Here's an example...
My trusty assistant wasn't convinced that I had any idea what I was doing.  Sometimes I'm not either, I guess.  But I do know that I really want to do this project all by myself, if for no other reason than being able to look at it and know that I did it.  Delilah would prefer that I hired in, or at least made less noise.

But that was yesterday.  Today, I had a women's brunch in the morning (which was very interesting, and I mean that in a good way!  Great speakers and fellowship), then I went to visit my grandma in the hospital and do a little shopping.  Delilah decided to chew the straps of one of my brand-new tank tops in two.  Needless to say, I was completely and totally hacked because I loved that top and had only worn it once!!  But I replaced it and bought a couple of other cute things because they were having a sale. 

On the way home, there was a guy and his little boy selling corn and sunflowers on the road.  The sunflowers had been cut and were mostly wilted, which made me sad because I was hoping to get some pictures of them.  (A lady at work had been wanting some pictures for her kitchen.)  The guy was super nice and said that he had a bunch down the road at his house and that I could take all the pictures I wanted to.  So, I followed his directions, made sure his wife knew what I was up to ( "Hi.  I'm the crazy lady who has come to take pictures in your garden.  Your husband said it was okay.  Don't mind me.  Thanks!"), petted their two adorable dogs, and ended up with a couple really good pictures. 


I love absolutely unexpected adventures!  What an awesome day!


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