Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Some Great Giveaways!

The first one is over at In This Wonderful Life.  Megan is giving away a $75 store credit to bekima knits!  The knitted goodies are so awesome!  I know a few soon-to-be-born babies who might be getting goodies from there!

Megan has also blogged about a congenital heart defects fundaraiser going on with the same company.  Megan's son, Cohen, died from a CHD so this is very personal to her.  And after reading some of the facts she shared and listening to her tell her story over the last year, it's a cause that should be close to all of us!

Last, but never least, my dear internet friend, Taylor is doing a giveaway for more goodies from The Crafty Pirate!  You should check that out too!

So much giveaway fun from bloggers I love!  I can hardly stand all the adorable goodness!


  1. I checked out the giveaways and I'm trying to be more purposeful about leaving comments.

    My fun comment for today: Six exclamation marks. Dude. I'm going to start calling you Pastor ;)

  2. I can't help that it's my favorite punctuation. I'm easily excitable! At least I didn't use more than one at a time.

  3. Ha. Fair enough. One at a time is better than many. (I also left you a comment under my post.)

  4. actually, there are 8!!!!!!!! :-)

  5. I'd love to do another giveaway!

  6. I had somehow missed both of those - so thanks!

  7. Megan, Glad to be of service to you!


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