Monday, February 20, 2012

My Weekend

I had big plans for this weekend.  Tara was home with her Macy Jane, the first time we had seen them since that sweet baby was born more than 8 months ago, and we were going to have so much fun.  And for the first part of the weekend we did.  Jessie's baby shower was on Saturday, so we gathered at Casey's (as has become our tradition) to celebrate.  So, you know I had to take a few pictures...

The woman of the hour, Jessie
A glimpse of the spread
A diaper carriage

The last time we saw Tara and Macy, this is what they looked like...
We were so excited to have them home!
Amber and Macy Jane became fast friends.

I didn't take any pictures the rest of the weekend, which shows just how lousy I was feeling.  I don't know that I've ever been in the presence of my niece without taking a picture, and yet on Sunday, I kept my distance.  By Sunday evening, I just needed to lie down and I even cancelled plans with the girls today because I was still feeling bad.  It's just what's left of this sinus infection, but it just won't go away.  I'm hoping that rest all day today will put an end to it.  (Well, that and the rest of the antibiotics!)

I'm hoping to feel better this week and get back to posting regularly!


  1. You must have been feeling truly crummy to resist taking pictures of that precious face. Hope you're better soon.

    1. Yes, Mindee, I really did feel badly! I feel a lot better today, so I'm hoping that I've turned the corner!


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