Monday, April 23, 2012

T Is Also For Thirty

I am just over six months into my thirtieth year.  And so far, so good.  I feel like I am probably busier than I have ever been in my life, and even when I am overwhelmed, it feels good.  I've written before about how my actual thirty looks nothing like how I thought my life would be.  In all my imaginings, I was sure I would be married, have kids.  I thought I would have hit all of the "adult landmarks" people talk about. 

And outside of a house and a job, I haven't.  I don't know if I ever will.  But one thing that my thirties have brought me is peace with that.  No matter what happens, I'm okay with it.  I really and truly believe that this may very well be my best decade yet, come what may.  I am more comfortable with who I am and who I am not than I have ever been in my life.  For a girl who has been riddled with confidence problems her whole life (despite my attempts to pretend otherwise), that's kind of a big deal. 

I look at the kids I teach, even my seniors, and can't help but smile because they just have no clue.  They don't know how hard the next years will be, or how glorious.  Because they will be both. Living is simply the sweetest, most frustrating, most amazing thing.  And you can't see it until it's in the rear view.  But it makes me anxious to see what's next for all of us.


  1. My thirties looked different than yours, but it was my favorite decade and I bet it will be yours as well. The thirties have all of the great things about adulthood and your body hasn't started to fall apart yet!

    1. Spent the day hiking with the seniors. I feel a little like my body is trying to fall apart!

  2. Two years into my forties, and they seem to be shaping up sort of swell...I just wish I could call them my THIRTiES!

    1. I spend my days with teenagers. They make 30 feel old enough!

  3. My thirties also look different than I had imageined them, but I'm doing okay with that...welll kinda okay with that...

    Glad you are good with yours

    1. I am okay with it today. And on the whole. But that doesn't mean there aren't days I feel very differently, at least temporarily. (In the interest of full disclosure!)


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