Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday Hodgepodge - 5/23

1. What's something you miss about the 1980's? If you're too young to miss the 80's how about the 90's?

What I miss about the 80s?  I miss the TV shows (see:  The Cosby Show).  I miss just being a kid.  I miss big hair not only be accepted but applauded and encouraged.

2. Do you have a library card? If so, how often do you visit?

I don't have a library card because there isn't really a library locally.  I wish there was!  I'm a total book nerd!

3. What's the secret to success?

Not taking no for an answer!  I think there's something to be said for persistence.

4. This is National Backyard Games week...what's your favorite backyard game?

If you are a reader, you know that I don't really spend a great deal of time outdoors.  But if I had to pick one, I would say Bags.  (Some people call it Cornhole.)  That looks pretty fun.

5. If I dropped by today what would I find on your coffee table?

Delilah, some nail polish and whatever DVD I'm watching.

6. Do you own a bicycle? When was the last time you rode a bicycle? Is that something you enjoy?

I do not own a bicycle, but I have said recently that I think I would enjoy riding again.  I did when I was a kid.  I used to ride up and down the road my parents' live on all the time.

7. What's your favorite cheese?

I love cheese.  Not as much as some of my friends (Casey), but I love Cheddar, Brie, Swiss, whatever.  Cream Cheese is especially near and dear to my heart!
8. Insert your own random thought here.

Unstructured time is not my friend.  I've got another week to get my act together (I said I would give myself a break until the beginning of summer semester), and then I have to get to work prepping for next year's classes and actually working out.


  1. Forgot about all those great 80 shows. Have never eaten/heard of Brie cheese. I also enjoy playing cornhole.

  2. I wrote my first Hodgepodge Wed. today, and I, too, wrote that I missed Cosby. I love cheese as well! I'm not a library girl either. We might have been twins separated at birth. :-) Pop in and say hello!

  3. I think a break is good at the end of a school year. Enjoy your time off and you'll feel more ready to think about planning for next year.

  4. love that its backyard games week! i need to tell my boys, the lazy bums!

  5. I can't believe you don't have a library! We go to the library A LOT.
    And I mean A LOT.

    Homeschooling Mom for the Win!

    1. There are libraries in neighboring towns (and at the local college, which I could access since I work for them some) but, I just have never made a practice of going. My parents have always had tons of books and my mother is a now-retired kindergarten teacher (whose personal children's book library needs its own storage trailer and I wish I was kidding!).


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