Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How Is It That Three Days Can Feel Like a Lifetime?

I have been waiting to share my story once I got my brain back in order!  Well, I'd say it's as much in order today as it ever is.  I'd been preparing for this last weekend for months.  I'd been thinking about what God was going to ask me to say for a long time too.  I knew that God was going to move in that place, because I've never been involved with a Chrysalis weekend when I didn't see God show up.  But I never could have imagined that it would have happened the way it did!  God is so amazing!

God had assembled a great team, and then blessed us with a full flight of caterpillars.  Even though it was my mother who made the list it was evident from the first moments that God put the right people at the right tables.  I had four sweet girls at my table (five when you count my assistant).  And I have no doubt that they learned and experienced a lot this weekend, but what they may not realize is how much they taught me. 

One of the keys that they repeat over and over during team meetings is that it's not about us, and it's not.  But the best part---the part that is so much like God---is that even though we are there to serve, or maybe even because of it, we get blessed too.  My girls were quiet mostly, but in each of them God revealed something to me.  I won't go into detail here, because this is a public blog and those are private thoughts that I just want to share with those girls, but let's just say it was a lot like looking into a mirror sometimes.  I worried that they weren't enjoying themselves, but what I learned was that they were slow cookers.  You put all the good stuff in, practice patience, and in the end, it's pretty fabulous!  They blew me away with their thoughts and insights at Closing, and they all had plenty to say.  I am honored that God chose me to be there in the moments of silent reflection, salvation, discussion, and prayer with these young women.  I could never say "Thank You" enough. 

My talk was everything He wanted it to be and more.  I was still making revisions right up until I left for the camp.  But you know how God is...He changed some things right there as I was speaking.  I knew that He was asking me to be even more open and honest than I had planned, and it was okay with me.  I kind of figured that's how it was going to go anyway.  And the questions...those girls knew how to ask some questions!  They made me think, and laugh a lot, and I hope my answers did them justice. 

This was the fourth time that I had worked a Flight, and it was 10 years since I went on mine (Flight 4).  But I think this was the first time that I really took the whole of it seriously, that I truly felt like an adult and realized that I had a responsibility to God and to the girls to get it together.  Before I think I've always felt like the kids I was, and this time I saw God saying that I could do so much more for Him if I would grow up a bit.  In the days since, some people have said some really kind things about me.  They have even called me a good role model.  Lord, let me truly be the person they see in me.


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