Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Brace Yourself. It's Time To Recap Christmas...

To fully recap Christmas Break so far, you really have to go back to Saturday the 18th.   Okay, so technically, you need to go back to the week before that, because that was when we did this:

Our women's group, The Apron Society, was having a cookie walk to make money for presents for needy families at Christmas.  Our little group of five women made 36 dozen cookies alone!  On the actual day, there was so much stuff I couldn't believe it!  We are talking at least 200 dozen cookies/cakes/goodies easily!  We were able to raise over $1000, and I was in charge of taking a portion of that to buy for some of the families on our list.  (Thanks to my awesome mother, who helped me shop for and then wrapped all these presents because I am absolutely no good at wrapping!)
This was also the Christmas of the Panera Cinnamon Crunch bagel.  It began on the last day of work when a colleague brought some in, and continued through the weekend!  Behold the wonder that is this breakfast sensation:
I am not going to subject to you the whole Christmas in one post (especially since I haven't even really gotten to Christmas yet), but know that I ended up with a sinus infection and was heavily drugged through most of the first week of break, including Christmas.  At least this is the excuse I am using as to why I have almost no pictures of people but lots of pictures of things.  At any rate, there's more to come in the morning...


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