Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Winter Book List

It's time for a brief summary of what I've been reading on these recent snowy days and nights.  (Of which it seems there are more coming!)  Here's a look:
I love Rebecca Wells books (she created the Ya-Ya's, after all!), but this one is probably my favorite.  I had read it before a while back, but I recently loaned it to Mom, and she loved it so much it made me want to read it again!  This is the kind of book that makes you missed New Orleans, even if you have never been there.  The imagery is vivid, and the characters are both accessible and outrageous.  It's got love, heartbreak, a little mysticism--everything a good piece of fun reading should have. 

 I'm reading this book right now, on recommendation of my dad (via one of his student's recommendations). Midnight... is one of those books that I had heard about, but never really paid much attention to (and yes, Crys, that's a long list...).  While it's non-fiction, it feels like a fiction piece.  Savannah is truly a city of its own, and its people are like no other.  I'm not even halfway through this one, but I can hardly put it down. 

And these are what's on deck and in the hole on my illustrious list.  I've enjoyed all of Emily Giffin's books, and I feel that Heart of the Matter will be no different.  Yes, it's chick lit, but I take pride in my depth of knowledge in that genre.  When you read textbooks for work, you have to have something entertaining if you are going to read at home, right?

The other is a biography of Abigail Adams. If you don't know much about American History, you may not realize what an amazing woman she was.  Abigail was a woman ahead of her time, and we can read much of what she thought in her own words, as she wrote many letters to her husband and others that remain today. 

What's on your winter reading list?


  1. I have heard about Heart of the matter, love that it's purple as well. I am going through a reading lag at the moment :(.

    By the way hope you can take part in my friend Holly's Blog Secret 2011!

    It will be fun!!! :)

  2. My reading seems to happen in spells. And I am in on the BlogSecret thing! Sounds like a lot of fun!

  3. ooo, I just love new books. Thanks for posting these, I'll check them out on my Kindle. I am reading Bill Bryson "A History of Private Life" and next, "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand.
    You'll learn that servants used to get sick of lobster 3 times a week back in the days of plenty. And the hero of Unbroken came to our little private school on Veteran's Day. He was amazing!


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