Monday, March 21, 2011

Prayer Mondays

  • Uncle James had a good week.  He's continuing to make progress and we are hoping that there will be no setbacks this time. 
  • We have been having beautiful warm weather recently.  It's so nice to be able to go outside and enjoy it!
  • Bible study is just awesome!  I can't wait for each week as we meet together.  Thank you, God, for this group of women!!

  • Uncle James - They are treating him as a precaution with antibiotics because of some germs that they saw in his cultures that could cause another form of pneumonia.  Everything is fine, but they are being careful.  Praying for more good news this week and for continued strength for Aunt Beth.
  • Several of the mamas-to-be I've been praying for are nearing their due dates.  I pray for safe deliveries and healthy babies!  Calm these new mama's fears and give them babies who sleep through the night (hey, can't hurt, right?)
  • For families of those who are deployed.  As we face conflict with yet another country, I can't help but think of those who give their service to our country, and for the families who continue on as their loved ones serve.  (Especially Sawyer and Tara's Baby Daddy)
  • For the women of our Bible study--I believe that God is going to do amazing things with this study.  I've seen glimpses of it already.  Oh, Knower of our hearts, anoint us with your Holy Spirit!  Give us a heart like yours.

Oh, Father, I praise your Name for the blessings in our lives.  We don't deserve a single one, but You are the God who cares for His people.  I pray for my requests and for the requests of the other ladies this week.  I thank you for bringing together these women who are willing to pray for one another and our needs.  I'm so thankful to have them in my life.  Lord, guide and direct us through another week.  Amen.


  1. What a great idea! :)
    I am so hoping for warmer weather as well. We had a nice, sunny day on Friday and then on Saturday-tons of snow! Boo.

  2. It's supposed to get cooler here toward the end of the week I think, but today it will be almost 80. So I have nothing to complain about!


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