Monday, March 21, 2011

I Got My New Shoes On

I've needed new walking shoes for a while now.  Because of the messed up way I walk, I destroy tennis shoes at the rate of about a pair a year.  I have loved my Reebok toners that I got last year, but I finally got to the point where walking even a slow mile was killing my feet.  So, Sunday, Sheena and I set out to fix that, and it took less than five minutes to do it!

I love New Balance tennis shoes anyway, so these were a no brainer.  I am wearing them today and they seem to be doing exactly what I hoped--making me walk like I am supposed to.  They are comfortable, but firm enough that I can't walk on the outside of my feet.  And I can feel them working out the rest of my legs as well, which is a nice bonus!  I know eventually I will have to go see a podiatrist and get inserts for my shoes (because I don't think this is going away) but I hope that if I can lose some weight, it won't be as big a deal.  It seemed to lessen last time that I lost a significant amount of weight.

Also, while I was out, I just had to stop in at my favorite antique store to pick up a few things.  I don't have pictures of all of the goodies yet, but I will try to add them tonight!  It seemed like Laurie had stocked the shop just for me.  For everything I bought there were several more things I would have loved to have!  Not good on my budget, but a lot of fun!

What did you do this weekend?


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