Sunday, April 10, 2011

Prayer Mondays

Every time I come to a Prayer Monday, I feel overwhelmed by the needs in my life and in the lives of people that I know.  I think that's actually a good thing, because it's only by acknowledging that we do, in fact, need Christ to intervene in our lives that we will get any real help.  I mean, I have faith in some real good people, but it is no match for my faith in the healing power of my God.

1.  My Unlce James continues to make good progress.  He's breathing on his own for longer period and is sitting up for a couple of hours at a time.  His progress will continue to be marked over months and not days, and that's hard to accept sometimes.  But I believe we will see him healed in time.  I pray for Aunt Beth as she is a steadfast helpmate to her husband.

2.  For my friends who are about to have babies (and there are several).  I pray for healthy babies and mamas and safe, easy deliveries.  I also pray for my dear friends who are struggling with infertility and other issues of that nature.  I boldly ask that God will grant them children, as every last couple in this category would make phenominal parents.

3.  For Crystal's dad as he recovers from knee surgery.  (And patience for her mom!)

4.  For one of my friends growing up (and her family), who lost her mother this week after a long battle with cancer.  Her mother was a wonderfully sweet woman, and her absence will be felt by all those who knew her. 

5.  That I may break out of my cycle of laziness, both physically and spiritually.  I know the kind of person that I want to be, and I know what I need to do to make those things happen.  Now I just need to get my but in gear!

6.  For a personal request for a friend with serious health issues. 

7.  For a little boy named Jayce, who is very sick.  He was born with many health issues and has had many surgeries.  He's on the list for a kidney transplant, but is on dialysis now until that happens.  His dad was a friend of mine in high school and I still think very highly of this family.  I know they covet your prayers.

Father God, I come to You with nothing of my own.  I am exhausted spiritually and physically tonight, and that actually excites me, because I know that nothing comes from me, that it's all from You.  I pray for these requests and for the requests of all the women who participate in this time of prayer.  Raise us up to be women of Your Word, women after Your heart.  Help us to be who You are calling us to be, to walk the path which leads to You.  Give us grace for another day, another week, and we will give You the glory.  Amen.


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