Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Little Beta Love

If you've never been used a hairdryer to dry wet paint on campaign signs, stuffed a sun costume with paper in a hotel parking lot in the middle of the night, or rode to what would normally be a vacation destination on a school bus, you might not get what I am about to say.  On Monday, I returned from the Jr. National Beta Club Convention in Nashville, TN with my students, co-sponsor, and several parents.  We had a great (and intermitently stressful) time, and it was worth every minute.

If you aren't from the Midwest or Southeast, you may not know what I'm even talking about.  The Beta Club is a society that celebrates both academic achievement and service to the community and the world at large.  We have conventions at the state level, but Nationals---it's a whole different beast.  For instance, this is one group's talent...
Yes, that is a to-scale Grand Old Opry set.  It would be important to note that this was not the stage for the convention.  They brought this and set it up just for their talent.  Nationals means business.
Thankfully, Nationals is a lot of fun, too!  The kids have a great time, and no matter how stressful that is to someone who likes a nice, neat vacation schedule where things run on time, it's worth it.  Every moment on the sweaty bus, every stuffed costume, and blow-dried sign means that a kid is getting a chance to see what they can accomplish if they just give it their all.  And besides, you can't beat the Opryland Hotel at night...


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