Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Few Words About My Phone

I have had a cell phone since I turned 16.  Of course, that phone was huge and mounted in my car, but it still counts.  But, I've never really paid much attention to my phone.  I routinely forget it at home.  I don't send out 100 text messages a day.  I rarely use half of my allotted minutes for a month. 

Then this little jewel came into my life.  And never have I loved a phone so much.  Well, I still don't send that many texts or make many calls, but I am convinced this phone is going to make me a better, more organized person.  I have an agenda, a to-do list, Facebook, Blogger, anything I want at the touch of my fingertips.  The to-do list alone is worth it!  I can even cross things off, which we all know is the best part of a list anyway.  There's even an app that turns my phone into a walkie-talkie, which I know is basically what a phone is, but isn't that fun?  And I am loving the camera, since the one on my last phone was pretty much crap.  

I say all that to basically ask:  What apps do you love?  There are so many out there, I would love to hear which ones you think are worthwhile.  Let me hear it in the comments!

(Meanwhile, HTC and Verizon have no clue who I am.  They didn't pay me anything.  I just really love my new phone.)


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