Monday, August 8, 2011

Girls' Night Out

Friday marked the end of my last full week of break.  And just typing that made me a little sad.  But don't worry, I had big plans to send off summer in style.  I was going out with two of my favorite women on the planet to go see one of our favorite local bands.  It all sounds perfectly fun, right?  Oh, if we had only known.  At least I picked good company.
 The Swamp Tigers (local rockabilly legends) were playing some place we had never been before.  There was probably a reason for that.  The bar was kind of a hole in wall, and it became apparent that we were probably overdressed.  Then the people showed up.  Let's just say, there was certainly an interesting mix of people present.  I'd never seen someone dance with a hula hoop which they brought with them for that purpose before Friday night.  And then there were these guys.  I don't know their names.  But Amber's wearing the captain's hat.  Like I said, it was kind of a weird night.
 At least the band was reliably awesome!  I have seen these guys a half dozen times and I never get tired of them.  (Plus, they always sing my favorites, "Folsom Prison Blues" and "Wagon Wheel.")  We stayed out entirely too late, but we had a lot of laughs. (If you can't laugh at life, what's the point?)

Early Saturday morning, I ended up taking Amber to the clinic because she had a slight problem.  Let me give you a visual.  This is Amber's normal foot:
 This is the foot that was swollen because of a viscious wasp sting.  (These were taken Friday night, and it looked much worse by Saturday, trust me!) 
Needless to say, driving wasn't really something she was capable of, so I willingly drove Miss Daisy to the medical professionals.  After breakfast and a couple prescriptions, she was on the mend.  I, however, went home and slept because I am no longer someone who can operate on four hours sleep.  (Nor was I ever, really!)

Sunday was very calm in comparison--church, lunch with friends, and then hacking away at my to-do list before school starts this week.  I have a few special posts for you this week to celebrate the end of summer and my return to the world of the Monday-Friday working world.  Until then---


  1. Amber, you should have given the cap'n your number. LMFAO!

  2. So random...remember my friend Kelly who came to the shower? I'm pretty sure the other guy is her boyfriend, Josh. Sure looks like him, and they live in Cape. WEEEEIRD!!


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