Sunday, August 14, 2011

Prayer Monday - 8/15

It's back to school week around here.  Which basically means I revert to being a toddler.  I get up early in the morning and run around until I just can't take it.  The minute I come home, I collapse and take a nap.  I wake up whiny and hungry and am ready for bed long before the 10 o'clock news.  Adjusting back to a real schedule is not just physically difficult, but it can be emotionally difficult, too.  Already it seems like so many of our students have deep needs, and that's it more important that ever to be kind and compassionate.  I pray that the love of Christ shows through me.  I pray that I am a good role model to my students, particularly to those who need more positive ones in their lives.  (Can you ever really have enough?)

I have a special prayer request, too.  Joyce (who hosts the Wednesday Hodgepodge) shared about her niece that has been diagnosed with leukemia.  (You can read that here.)  I told her that I would ask for prayer for her niece and for their family during this time. 

It is so nice to have sisters in Christ to pray with each week.  I look forward to praying for each of you!


  1. Thank you so much for including my sweet niece in your Monday prayers. They are much appreciated!

  2. Oh the joys of school starting! I feel you...although I still have 3 more weeks till we start. I will keep you in my prayers as well as joyce and her niece.


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