Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 17: What I'm Looking Forward To

What is life if you don't have things to look forward to?  I think this is the kind of thing that deserves a list.  (You know they are my favorite kind of post, right?)

  • The rest of summer break -- Even once June ends, I still have about six weeks before it's back to work!  I'm sure it will fly by, but I still am excited about all it could hold!
  • A new school year -- I know, I know.  But it's going to happen whether I look forward to it or not, so I'm trying to go into it with a really positive attitude.  Also, another year teaching choir?  I am SO there!!
  • Another birthday -- I'm a birthday person.  I don't even mind that whole increasing number issue.  (Though it's not what it once was!)  I'd always rather have a birthday than not!
  • Miss M's 2nd Christmas and birthday -- Last year, she really wasn't old enough to understand what was going on.  But this year, I don't believe she will miss a thing.  Except Santa...she really has no love for the jolly old man.  
  • My cousin's wedding in March 2014 -- No one throws a party quite like my family throws a party.  This is going to be a really great time celebrating a very good match!
I think that's as far ahead as I can look for now.  I'm sure other things will come up along the way.  Let's face it, I'm pretty easy to excite!  

Make sure to link up!  We still have a lot more Challenge to go!

1 comment:

  1. No matter how the school year ends, I still look forward to the beginning of a new one even after 30+ years.


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