Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wedding Weekend Recap: Sunday

For Father's Day, my dad requested breakfast at Cracker Barrel.  And since it was across the street from our hotel, his kids were more than happy to comply.  I mean, what makes you feel better than the Barrel?  (Just ask my blog friend, Amy Beth.

Here are the bride and groom, the morning after.

And, in the interest of full disclosure, here are the sisters of the bride and groom!

Lunch was great, and afterwards, we headed back to Matt and Mel's so Dad could look at their getaway car, and we could watch them open their presents.  However, their cat, Nahla, wanted to help.

After taking out one bow, she went for the bags.

"Mama, I iz the present, rite??"

That night, the happy couple headed off for Myrtle Beach and they had a great time.  I am so glad that we had a great weekend, and that I officially gained such a great sister! 


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