My favorite Lumberjill over at The Lumberjack's Wife posted this and I couldn't help but take her up on it! You all have to know how much I love a good survey! (And beside, I need a brain break after working on photography stuff this afternoon!)
8 Things I’m Looking Forward to…
1. Sleeping in tomorrow
2. Going grocery shopping (it's got to happen so I might as well get happy about it!)
3. Girls' Day Out for Crystal's birthday on Saturday (it's her 30th, in case you haven't read)
4. My summer reading list
5. Family get-together for Crystal's birthday Sunday
6. Getting my bedroom redecorated
7. Shopping for couches
8. Antique shopping with Amber next week (possibly. hopefully.)
8 Things I did Yesterday…
1. Rolled out of bed after a night filled with Benadryl and weird dreams
2. Taught my college class (which is going really well, I think)
3. Visited with Jerri, school secretary extraordinaire
4. Picked up the rest of my checks and took them to the bank
5. Cleaned the heck out of my "yellow room" (which is basically a porch)
6. Tried to convince Sheena's parents to buy my extra furniture
7. Wasted time on Facebook
8. Watched a couple of my favorite movies
8 Things I Wish I Could Do…
1. Lose weight and keep it off
2. Spend a month at the beach for free
3. Focus more on how to be a quality photographer
4. Meet a nice guy
5. Dance in a way that didn't look like I was seizing
6. Hire a painter instead of doing it myself
7. Have money to act on some of my "big ideas"
8. Sew with any profiency whatsoever
8 Shows I Enjoy…
1. The Big Bang Theory
2. Gilmore Girls
3. Antique Roadshow
4. Designing Women
5. Friday Night Lights
6. Glee
7. So You Think You Can Dance
8. Bones
**In the interest of full disclosure, I had to look up how to say "eight" in Italian.
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