Friday, April 29, 2011

X Is For eXtra Special!

I'm sorry I've been off the blogging grid, but I have a hard time blogging when I don't have my usual set up at home.  After spending three nights at my parents, I am back in my house.  I have to take the long way around, but I am able to get to and from my house.  We haven't had school since Tuesday because there are just too many people that can't get there.  It's been insane, but I'm thankful that we are all safe.  My cousin and his wife live in Tony, Alabama and were in the path of the horrible tornadoes in that state.  Their house received major damage, but they were thankful to be able to walk away.  Just a block over some people weren't as lucky.  I'm certainly thinking of and praying for all of the people affected by the tornadoes and flooding.

But on to today's actual topic...Yesterday was such an eXtra special day.  It was Uncle James' 57th birthday.  He's doing very well now, and it was certainly a day to celebrate!  The sweet CCU nurses brought in balloons and a HUGE cake, there were all manner of cards and flowers, but that's not the best thing by far.  His two excellent therapists got him in a wheelchair and took him outside for the first time in 95 days.  It was a glorious day, and to sit in the sunny breeze for even a few minutes was amazing for him!  But that's not even the best part.  When they got back to the room, the therapists helped him stand and he was able to give Aunt Beth a hug for the first time since this whole ordeal began.  We were all crying and I was so glad to be able to be there and see it.  Miracles happen every day, but you only get to see them once in a while.


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