Today’s topic for 2 On Tuesday is celebrity girl crushes. What celebrity female do you think is absolutely beautiful? If you could steal anyone’s look, who would it be?
Oh my goodness! I have loved celebrities and celebrity fashion my whole life. As a kid, I used to look at all the magazines, particularly ones with pictures of the award show gowns, and study them like I was preparing for some kind of test. This hasn't really changed much as I've gotten older, but my standards for what is beautiful has changed.
Tina Fey remains my number one girl crush, and not just because of fashion. She's intellegent, hilarious, and she has no problem ruling in the male dominated world of comedy. She's also beautiful in a very accessible way. It's hard to find an awards show picture or a magazine spread that doesn't make you see that. I want to be the kind of awesome she is.
Speaking of, Amy Poehler is pretty high on the list too. Maybe it's because I think of Tina and Amy as a duo. You can't really have one without the other. Dynamic duos are kind of my favorite. She's the best kind of smart too...and loves to laugh at her own stuff.
But lately, there have been two other women who are making the way as style icons. Melissa McCarthy is like a superhero to those of us who will never fit in a sample size. She's gorgeous and smart and funny and awesome, and I've loved her ever since she was Sookie. (Probably because I am a little too much like Sookie...) She has been discussing how much she's into fashion (she designed some of her gowns) and I've heard she may even have a line coming out!
And then there's Adele. She's not just bringing the music, but the class and style back. She is proof that you don't have to show everything you have to be beautiful. She keeps herself covered, but still manages to add a little sparkle or shine.
And you can't talk about British women and fashioning without at least mentioning the queen of fashion, Kate, The Duchess of Cambridge. She is the perfect model of modesty with great fashion sense. I mean, the woman is singlehandedly bringing back pantyhose. (Not that I find that to be a big plus, but it certainly says something about propriety!)
There's absolutely no segueway other than many their dress size, but my final mention goes to Emma Stone, who I think is one of the prettiest young actresses today. She is both daring and classy, with a nice mix of fun thrown in. This is my favorite of her gowns, from this year's Golden Globes. I say all the time that I believe she is my generation's answer to Julia Roberts. And she's a really pretty redhead! (Which I hope one day inspires budding redhead fashion icon,
Macy Jane!)
Who is your celebrity girl crush? Share in the comments or write your own post and join us over at Andrea's blog!