1. It's that most wonderful time of the year...tax season! Do you complete your own returns or farm that job out to the professionals?
I do them myself usually because my stuff is really straightforward. If I really get in a pinch, my SIL is an accountant.
2. This next question comes from Kansas Bob...he posed it in his response to something I asked in an earlier Wednesday post and I asked him if I could add it to the Hodgepodge some day. Today's the day....
Which do you think has changed you more-love or pain?
Love has changed me. From John 3:16 to the love of my family and friends, love has changed me far more than pain ever could.
3. Tangerine Tango has been named color of the year for 2012. Your thoughts? Would I find this color anywhere in your house? How about in your closet? If not, will you be adding this color to your life in some way in 2012? If you're not sure what tangerine tango looks like click here.
I love that color and all of the orange family. I have that color all over my house, especially in my kitchen and dining room.
I love that color and all of the orange family. I have that color all over my house, especially in my kitchen and dining room.
4. Are you a collector? What do you collect and does it get admired, used, and/or dusted regularly?
Yes. My house has all sorts of little collections--giraffes, antique cameras, Willow tree angels. And they get dusted about as often as everything else. I admire them all the time, though!
Yes. My house has all sorts of little collections--giraffes, antique cameras, Willow tree angels. And they get dusted about as often as everything else. I admire them all the time, though!
5. February is National Heart Month...besides a green salad what is one tasty heart healthy dish you like to prepare?
I have been learning to eat oatmeal, which because of some childhood trauma, I have never been able to enjoy eating. I have to say that so far, I am really enjoying it. (Especially with apples and raisins!)
I have been learning to eat oatmeal, which because of some childhood trauma, I have never been able to enjoy eating. I have to say that so far, I am really enjoying it. (Especially with apples and raisins!)
6. When was the last time you had car trouble?
HAHAHA!! I seem to have car trouble all too often, but the last time was in December when I hit a deer! Now I have a wonderful new car and am hoping that those car issues are in the past.
HAHAHA!! I seem to have car trouble all too often, but the last time was in December when I hit a deer! Now I have a wonderful new car and am hoping that those car issues are in the past.
7. Have you been more demanding on yourself lately or less? Is that a good trend?
I am more demanding right now because I am in the home stretch of the working three jobs thing (after next week I will be down to two), and trying to keep up with grades and Homecoming next week. I think it's a good trend to make myself work a little harder for the things I want!
I am more demanding right now because I am in the home stretch of the working three jobs thing (after next week I will be down to two), and trying to keep up with grades and Homecoming next week. I think it's a good trend to make myself work a little harder for the things I want!
Isn't this the sweetest face you've ever seen??